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East Chatham Chargers

East Chatham Chargers


Where can I find all of the general information about the season/ECC organization (like fees, season dates, practices, etc)?

You can find almost everything you are looking for on our About ECC page.

Who is in charge of changing or cancelling practices and/or games? How are we notified of changed or cancelled practices and/or games?

BEFORE PRACTICE OR GAMES BEGIN: In the event of inclement weather, Chatham Parks and Recreation makes decisions on practice field conditions prior to practices and Northwood High School makes decisions on game field conditions prior to home games. In both cases, ECC must wait for their instructions before communicating to our Charger family. We ask that you not send emails and texts to Board Members and/or Coaches asking about games/practices as we will communicate changes or cancellations as soon as we know via Remind 101, Email & Social Media. We are very aware that everyone is waiting to find out and will get the information out as soon as we receive it.

ECC makes decisions during practices/home games according to weather conditions. See our Lightning and Thunder Guidelines for more info.

Head coaches may determine that they want to try and make up missed practices. Each coach will be in charge of communicating this to their team. Makeup practices are still subject to Chatham Parks and Recreation decisions regarding field conditions & availability.

How do I receive texts from ECC?
At the beginning of the season ECC will provide information for opting into our text group.  Text are used to send out last minute schedule changes, game day information, cancelations etc. Be sure you opt in for the latest information and updates.

Why is a security deposit required for tackle football equipment?
Our tackle football equipment is quite expensive, and unfortunately, we have had people not return it at the end of the season. We are a non-profit who strives to keep costs low for the community we serve. When equipment is not returned, and people do not pay for it,  which in-turn result in higher registration fees. To protect the organizational finances, and the families who do return their equipment, we require the security deposit so the costs can be recouped from the responsible party.  Security deposits are required to receive your required tackle equipment and is either 1) a credit card number completed on the Equipment Checkout form 2) a check completed and signed for $225 made to East Chatham Youth Football Association or 3) $225 cash - a receipt will be given to you as proof of deposit). WE DO NOT RUN A CREDIT CARD, CASH A CHECK, OR USE THE CASH UNLESS THE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED. 

Why is a Sports Physical required before receiving equipment?
Our insurance policy requires us to follow our state's application of the NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations) safety rules. In North Carolina, the NCHSSA (North Carolina High School Athletic Association, Inc.)  requires all athletes to have a valid physical on file. As stated here from the NCHSSA Handbook "In order to be eligible for practice or participation in interscholastic athletic contests, a student must receive a medical examination once every 395 days by a physician licensed to practice medicine, nurse practitioner or physician assistant and be cleared to play." ECC requires a valid physical that will not expire during the season be on file prior to receiving equipment due to our constraints as an all volunteer organization where follow up on expired physicals is an undue hardship for people who already give enormous amounts of their time. ECC will attempt to provide information on sports physical offerings at our local high schools, however PHYSICAL EVENTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED and depend on the availability of a physician and the supplies necessary for the event.  We encourage you to plan ahead for this requirement by visiting your family physician if possible to obtain your sports physical. 

What is EWFL?
East Wake Football League is a collection of many towns and communities that surround the greater Raleigh area.  This aspect brings football back to its roots where smaller communities were forced under limited population to form teams and play each other.  A spirit of comradery and connection with one’s community is fostered.  Teamwork, friendship and fellowship among the players is the greatest achievement of this partnership with our EWFL organizations. 

When will the schedule for the season be ready?
The game day schedule is created by East Wake Football League. As soon as the game schedule is released we will share it with families.  The first game of the season usually falls on or near the last weekend in August.

What does it mean when you say you have Roster Limits and Wait Lists?
We set roster limits for football for both safety and logistics. The cap for each tackle football team is 35. The cap for the 5/6 flag team is 30. All of this is handled automatically by our web platform when you register. Once the cap is reached, registered players are automatically placed on the wait list for their age group. You will not be charged while on the waiting list. Once/if a spot becomes available you will be notified and can then pay your registration fees.

What is the point of a Wait List?
ECC allows the wait list option so that if 
a team has enough players on their Wait List AND we can get qualified coaches, the Board will consider adding another team. Sometimes registered players will opt not to play, creating an open spot that we will fill from the Wait List.  You will not be charged registration fees while on the wait list and will be notified if a new team is formed or a spot opens up on the team you are waitlisted for.


PO Box 1337 
Pittsboro, North Carolina 27312

Email: [email protected]

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